

5 Ways to Improve Employee Productivity

With all the talk of the Great Resignation and the need to retain employees, you might think that now is not the best time to ask them to boost productivity—it might seem like for more from your workers and turn them off.    You would be…

How to Make a Daily Schedule

Do you wait until April 14 to do your taxes? Do you wake up, check your email and suddenly realize you just wasted two hours? Do you stress out about deadlines? These are all good reasons to make a daily…

How to Find a Personal Assistant

With the pandemic blurring the lines between home and work, more and more executives use remote personal assistants for an added layer of support. Getting someone to schedule your next hair appointment saves you just as much time as an…

What Does a Remote Personal Assistant Do?

With everyone working from home, the lines between personal and professional work have blurred. One minute you’re meeting with your team on Zoom, and the next, you’re answering the door for grocery delivery. The reality is that the internet already…