

How to Prioritize Goals in Work and Life

Before hiring her Prialto virtual assistant, Mary*, a successful corporate communications entrepreneur and coach, noticed that her work was affecting her mental wellness.   Her boundaries around work weren’t defined, she was always rushing to get things done, and it was…

5 Steps to Stop Procrastinating at Work

It was a typical Thursday afternoon. Our CEO at Quickskill, Eric, was inundated with dozens of competing tasks. There was feedback to give employees, phone calls to make with prospects, contracts to sign. But he couldn’t get to any of…

The Executive Morning Routine Checklist

The executive morning routine has turned into something of a status symbol.   Instead of bragging about being busy, executives can now be heard bragging about the rigor of their morning routine.   Richard Branson has shared that he starts his day around…

The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Executive Assistants in 2023

Virtual executive assistants play a critical role in enabling busy executives to maximize their time moving their businesses forward and minimizing the important but non-business-critical tasks that become distractions. Virtual assistants are growing in popularity as executives worldwide become more…