

Why Delegation is Important

You’ll almost never hear the word “leadership” without hearing the word “delegate” close behind. That’s because delegation is key for leadership and growth. So why do so many fail to delegate? Sometimes people hold onto work they should not be doing…

The Psychology Behind Prospect Relationship Management

As business development becomes increasingly data-driven, salespeople often make the mistake of focusing more on their metrics than on making meaningful connections with their buyers. Prospects aren’t numbers; they’re people with unique challenges, communication styles, and desires that need to…

How to Holistically Improve Your Organizational Efficiency

According to Bain & Company, companies that successfully improve their organizational efficiency, don’t just implement a few initiatives aimed at achieving their cost and productivity goals; their leaders adopt an efficiency mindset to holistically improve their organizations. Taking a holistic approach to efficiency management…

How a Committed Virtual Assistant Will Amplify Your Success

Choosing the right virtual assistant has a huge impact on your productivity and business success. While most people consider tangible factors including cost, available hours, technical skills, etc. the most effective VAs possess a specific set of personality traits that drive them to consistently…

Get the Most Effective Leadership Style for Your Team

The most effective leaders are the ones who forgo their natural tendencies in favor of the leadership style that best supports their teams. Strong leaders understand that even strategies that are generally regarded as positive aren’t effective in all situations.…

5 Ways a Virtual Assistant Can Make You a Better Networker

Fostering professional connections is critical for success yet, according to a LinkedIn survey, 49% of professionals struggle to engage in networking activities because they don’t have enough time. If your goal is to build new relationships and sustain existing ones, you…