

How to Prevent Your High Performers from Burning Out

High-performing employees are an average of 400% more productive than the typical employee. Their extreme productivity makes them assets to any project – a trait that many leaders don’t realize is a double-edged sword. Due to their eagerness and ability to excel,…

How to Effectively Use Your Executive Assistant

If you’re a busy leader, learning how to use an executive assistant is one of the most effective ways to improve your productivity, work-life balance, and success. By delegating all of your tedious tasks, you’re able to spend more time focusing on the…

6 Time Saving Services that Will Boost Your Happiness

Spending money on time-saving services is the secret to sustaining happiness. A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science found that people who invest in time-saving services report greater life satisfaction than those who don’t – regardless of…

How to Motivate Employees to Engage in Continuous Learning

If your employees aren’t continuously learning, your organization is failing to reach its full potential. A Deloitte report found that companies with a strong learning culture experience greater success because their employees are: 92% more likely to innovate 37% more productive 58%…

How Sales and Marketing Alignment Increases Revenue

The Aberdeen Group’s CMO Agenda Report found that companies with strong sales and marketing alignment generate 32% more revenue than those who don’t. That impressive result exists because when sales and marketing alignment happens as the two teams work collaboratively together, this will: Ensure…