

How to Optimize Sleep to Boost Productivity

Quickskill’s 2021 Executive Productivity Report uncovered a shocking statistic. 71% of the 600 high-earning executives who were surveyed reported getting less than 6 hours of sleep a night. It’s understandable. High-earning jobs are high-stakes jobs, and there are only 24 hours in…

The Difference Between Offshoring vs. Outsourcing

Offshoring and outsourcing are often confused. Outsourcing simply means delegating business processes to another company or independent contractors. Meanwhile, offshoring involves running a portion of business operations in another country. The business may own and manage the offshore facility (for…

How Much Does a Virtual Assistant Cost?

There are all kinds of virtual assistant companies and freelancers available, and the cost and business models vary greatly. So, as is often the case, the answer to the question, “how much does a virtual assistant cost?” is, well, it depends.     There…

Outsource Sales Support to Drive Revenue

Salespeople prove their worth by developing strong relationships with prospects, so they consistently close high-quality deals. However, while emotional intelligence and strategy help convert late-stage leads, it doesn’t do much to support the top-of-funnel activities required to keep the pipeline…