

Need Work-Life Balance? Take an Amplivacation

What’s an Amplivacation…? Quickskill provides our employees with five days of paid time off sabbatical (outside of the standard PTO program) once they reach the three-year mark. The Amplivacation program is designed to increase employee retention and cultivate a company culture…

5 Ways to Build Your Business Relationships

Most every business professional is keenly aware of the importance of growing and maintaining their professional network. Your network is the critical cadre of people who can attest to your integrity, and to the quality of your work. Without them,…

Top 5 Free Video Conferencing Tools: Pros and Cons

In a recent Frost & Sullivan survey of C-level executives, respondents were asked about their use of video conferencing during business meetings. The C-level executives cited “improved customer service, faster decision-making, and lowered costs” as prime drivers for their use of…

8 Force Multipliers for Entrepreneurs via Anthony lannarino

Anthony Iannarino is a high-performing entrepreneur, podcast host of In the Arena, international speaker, bestselling author, and adjunct professor at Capital University’s School of Management and Leadership. He draws an average of 50,000 readers every month to The Sales Blog, because his advice is of…

Social Media Networking: Would YOU Follow YOU?

Social Media Networking with Guest Blogger, Gina Schreck. Gina Schreck is the president at SocialKNX, adigital marketing and social media management company. She has been social online for over 10 years, and has been anentrepreneur for over 20 years. Follow…