

Will AI Cost Executive Assistants Their Jobs?

“Technology isn’t destroying human work. It’s getting rid of work that lacks human thought.” Admin at Quickskill Recently, I wrote about the impact of artificial intelligence on administrative assistants, which outlined three ways AI enables assistants to be more productive on…

Real Estate Tech: 6 Tools to Increase Your Productivity

A recent Harvard Business Review article discusses how investing in information technology can directly improve a company’s performance and subsequently increase their competitiveness within their niche. While this may be the case for larger enterprises, this doesn’t necessarily translate to smaller businesses…

Quickskill Leads a New Wave of Philippines BPO

All of us at Quickskill were very excited to open the doors of our new service center in Manila earlier this month. Our entrance to the Filipino market is the culmination of much planning, backed by over 100,000 hours of administrative…

The Value of an Assistant for Business Travel

There is a lot of value to be gained from creating standardized business processes, and this is also amplified by delegating the work to a dedicated assistant. By recruiting help to make sure you have help throughout your next business trip, you…