

PA Note: Not-So-Virtual Assistant

This article is part of our ongoing PA Note series. It reflects the thoughts, experiences, and motivations of Quickskill’s Productivity Assistants from the field.  In this post, Jobelle Pangilinan of our Manila Service Center tells us about her journey to…

Values-Based Recruitment

Team building is a prototypical topic that endlessly cycles through the discussions of Silicon Valley’s chattering classes. Just last month, LinkedIn’s news feed was dominated by articles focused on a single theme: “How I Hire.” In response, the network’s writers conveyed many poignant…

Overcoming Key Challenges in Professional Networking

We all know networking is important due to the business-growth opportunities that come out of the resulting referrals. But what, specifically, makes networking challenging? Even though you’re actively connecting with people on LinkedIn, going to networking events, and exchanging business…

How to Lose Less Time to Meetings

As a leader, there’s a good chance your day is dominated by meetings. While meetings are important and necessary to move your business forward, they eat up a lot of time, which can negatively impact your ability to lead and…

5 Steps To Better Time Management Skills

Trying to do too much creates a time crunch. Whether it is the innumerable showings, the scheduling, the billing, or just following up leads, time management plays a role. For most of us, time is most assuredly money. There is…