

Your In-House Assistant is Leaving – Now What?

As with any job, occasional assistant turnover is inevitable and while we’d like to think our in-house assistants are loyal to us and us alone, that’s rarely the reality. These transitions can be rough on you and your team; here…

The Power of Your Salesforce Account Executive

Most companies don’t know or have a relationship with their Salesforce Account Executive (AE). Given the frequent turnover at Salesforce, this isn’t surprising. However, your Salesforce AE is an excellent person to know as your business grows. This article will…

Broken Window Theory of CRM Data

Former New York City Mayor, Rudy Giuliani and his broken window theory of policing criminals successfully brought down crime rates in NYC during his time in office. His theory mainly states that if a certain crime is left unpunished, more…

Choosing Your Target Account Profile

Prior to diving into finding contact information for your prospect, first you must gather the accounts that are going to shape your research efforts. This list should include a highly targeted group of companies that fit your target account profile.…

Prospect Lists: Buy vs. Build

If you lead a growing business, you probably regularly receive emails about buying a prospect list. While it would be nice to get some easy sales support with prospecting, it’s probably not the best choice for your business. There are generally several…

The Importance of Documenting Your Assistant’s Processes

As technology continues to shrink global communication and collaboration barriers, many companies are leveraging the power of global staffing for support from assistants who virtually commute into a central office from around the world. An effective assistant should free you from the daily…

Best Practices for Email Signatures

Your email signature may be the last thing on your mind when sending out sales letters, yet it is actually one of the most cost-effective marketing tools at your disposal. A well-written email signature can increase the response rate and…

A Primer for Training Your Assistant

When you’ve finally found the right remote assistant to whom you can delegate your work, the next thing you need to do is properly train him. The training process is a critical period because it gives your assistant a general impression of…

Some Key Considerations in Outsourcing

Depending on the type of company, culture and products you have, there are a few things to consider when deciding to outsource. Planning to do so may be a big step for your company, and while there are some situations where…