

The Vanity Administrative Assistant

I know what you’re thinking. No, I’m not asking if you have an Ulla-type answering your phones, á la Bialystock & Bloom. I’m talking about an administrative or personal assistant that does very little assisting. Do you have such an assistant? No?…

Outsourcing ROI for Sales Team Support

The days of corner offices for sales reps are long gone. Instead, today’s sales teams spend their time on the road, doing everything from filing expense reports and updating their CRM to structuring their sales pitches. As a result, outside…

Why I Failed at Being a Personal Assistant

Every new employee at Quickskill HQ is required to compete against 23 other new-hires from each district in a televised battle to the death. Not really. Instead, the newbies have to fill in as Productivity Assistants for one of our executives…