

How To Keep Your Remote Salespeople Productive

I’m traveling this week. Along with my shirts, pants, and toiletries, I’ve also packed my quota. You see, just because you’re away from the office, and your normal schedule doesn’t excuse you from maintaining your pipeline. Keeping Your Eye on the…

The Challenges of Training Remote Sales Teams

Your piano teacher was right after all. Practice does, indeed, make perfect. Learning anything cold is about doing it over and over again yourself, instead of just reading about it. At your company, for example, salespeople and other client-facing members of…

An App Toolbox for Remote Collaboration

By now, we’ve all heard Apple’s-marketing-slogan-turned-adage “There’s an app for that.” And there does, indeed, seem to be an application for doing everything we need to get done without ever setting foot in an office. The rise in remote work…

Making Remote Teams More Secure

The focus of this year’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland is the increasingly global face of our world. From politics to business, every institution is rapidly learning to adapt to a hyper-connected, worldwide society. But if there’s anything that today’s industry…

Best Practices for Leading a Remote Meeting

A lot of people tend to use remote meeting times to catch up on email, surf the web or, more generally, to tune out. Running a remote meeting presents the unique challenge of engaging people you can’t see to talk about something…

Best Practices for Remote Collaboration

Whether you’re working from home, commuting to an offsite office or plugging in from a Starbucks, remote collaboration will always present a few challenges. The following tips can help ensure that you stay connected to your team while working remotely.…

The Importance of Meeting Agendas

Meeting agendas are essential to promoting successful meetings and making employees more productive. Approximately 11 million meetings occur in the U.S. each day (MCI). According to research firm CSO Insights, salespeople spend around 19% of their time in meetings. While many meetings are necessary to…

5 Tips for Successfully Setting up a Video Conference

The first 10 minutes of any meeting with remote colleagues are a waste of time. They’re usually spent struggling with projectors, conference lines, webinar tools or any number of other technological advances that were supposedly designed to make our lives easier. If you’re…