Hiring a Indian virtual assistant will change your life.

I know this sounds like an exaggeration, but allow me to explain.

A business coaching firm named Maui Mastermind recently studied time management and discovered that more than 30% of a business owner’s time is spent on low-value and no-value activities.

This means that during a typical 40-hour workweek, you spend 2.4 hours per day on tasks that someone else could easily do for you.

What would you do if you had two to three extra hours per day?

    • Would you spend time perfecting your product or service?
    • Would you teach your current employees skills to help them be more successful in their roles?
    • Would you take a yoga class or join a community service organization?
    • Would you coach your six-year-old’s basketball team?

When you sign up for a virtual assistant service, you can improve your sales, employee satisfaction ratings, health, and personal relationships, all at the same time.

In short, having a virtual assistant can improve your life!

Before I walk you through the process of how to hire administrative support, let’s review the benefits of hiring VAs specifically from India.

Benefits of Hiring Indian Virtual Assistants

India has been the leader and  is very popular for many Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) organizations, and there are a few reasons why. 

Indian virtual assistants are well-educated.

The literacy rate in the India reached more than 94% in 2021.

Even more impressive? Indians aren’t just literate but college educated.

More than 90% of the Indian population speaks English.

There are two official languages in the Indian subcontinent are, Hindi and English. While the Indian subcontinent is very linguistically diverse, English is taught in schools from a young age because it’s used in government and business. As a result, India leads as the country with the highest number of people who can speak English at 265 million.

Indian virtual assistants have a lot of experience working with U.S. companies.

The BPO industry in the India currently employs 4.14 million full-time employees and recorded $38 billion in revenue in the first half of 2021. This accounts for at least 7% of the Indian economy. 

Executives and leaders who have hired Indian virtual assistants are impressed by their work ethic. 

One of the main reasons that the India is so popular with BPO companies is because of the Indian work ethic. A strong work ethic and a dedication to one’s employer are part of the national culture. 

As a result, Indian workers are highly sought after by employers internationally.

By now you’re probably getting excited about all the extra time you’ll have when you hire a Indian VA. But before you hire a freelancer to set appointments, book travel, and buy appreciation gifts for all your kids’ teachers – make sure you are using the right service. 

Why You Should Find an Assistant From a Managed Virtual Assistant Company

A quick Google search will provide you with a long list of virtual assistant companies and freelance websites dedicated to helping Americans find virtual assistants from the India, but proceed with caution.

Here are some problems that can occur when hiring help:

    • Freelancers often work in the gig economy because they want flexibility. This means they may be less available to you when a higher-paying client comes along.
    • The hiring and training process can be a time suck. Writing job descriptions, completing background checks, and interviewing candidates all take time that you could be using better elsewhere.
    • Freelancers lack security. Your VA may have access to accounts and information essential to your business and personal life. How will you secure your privacy while sharing information? How do you know the assistant can be trusted?

To receive the benefits of having a personal assistant without all of this stress, it makes sense for most people to hire one through a managed VA service. 

You’ll receive long-term assistance when you hire a VA from a managed VA company.

A managed virtual assistant company has full-time employees. Unlike freelancers who are always looking for a better gig, assistants from managed companies will stick with you for the long term – because that’s their job. This saves you the cost (and frustration) of repeatedly hiring and training new assistants. 

Managed VA companies train their employees.

You may be new to having a personal assistant. That’s why it’s beneficial to work with a VA company that hires, trains, and manages employees. 

Additionally, you’ll have the help of the company’s productivity experts, who can guide you to get the most out of your personal assistant services.

A managed virtual assistant company has backup employees, so your work will always get done.

A managed VA service provider has fully-trained backups who are familiar with your processes and can fill in if the primary productivity assistant gets sick or has a family emergency.

When you hire a VA from a managed virtual assistant company, your assistant will have an on-site manager.

You can give your account manager feedback, who will ensure your VA can complete their responsibilities as directed. And if that VA doesn’t work out – you don’t have to start from scratch with a new hire.

A managed VA company performs background checks on employees.

You’ll rest easy knowing that your VA is a full-time employee with the company who has passed a stringent background check to get the job.

Steps to Hiring a Filipino Virtual Assistant

Many companies can help you find a virtual assistants. However, Quickskill provides its clients with managed support, continuity, and enterprise-level security. And with service centers in Kolkata, India as well as United States and soon in Canada, we know where to find the best talent.

Here’s how to hire a virtual assistant from the Philippines with Quickskill.

Step 1: Create a list of tasks a VA could complete that would make your life easier.

Create a list of jobs that would be simple for someone to complete off-site. 

Your list may include:

    • Calendar management. Have your VA manage your schedule and confirm appointments
    • Travel management. Your VA can book flights and rental cars according to your preferences– and complete expense reports
    • Inbox management. Save time and clear your headspace with an organized and clearly prioritized inbox.
    • Schedule social media posts
    • Follow-up with potential customers
    • Send gifts to your biggest clients

Think about how much easier your job will be when you don’t have to worry about all this busywork anymore!

Step 2: Schedule your free consultation with Quickskill.

Quickskill makes it easy to hire a virtual assistant. There’s no need to write a lengthy job description or scroll through pages of applicants.

Simply fill out this contact form with your info and schedule a discovery call to learn more about how Quickskill can help you.

Step 3: Review your personalized implementation plan.

After assessing your needs, we’ll create a personalized implementation plan. You’ll sign up for the hours you need to start, and can easily increase later when you need more support.

Step 4: Complete the onboarding process with your new VA and support team.

You’ll meet your virtual assistant and support team and get everyone set up in your systems.

Our team has helped thousands of clients during the onboarding process. In addition we’ve streamlined the process so your VA can start working ASAP.

Step 5: Offload tasks to your productivity assistant.

Your trained VA will quickly integrate into your workflow and systems.

You can provide feedback to inform your assistant of your preferences, and over time, your Quickskill team can find ways to improve efficiency and identify new ways to support you.

Step 6: Regain focus and energy.

You’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish after your VA takes over mundane tasks. As a result, you’ll have more time to focus on big-picture items and enjoy a better quality of life.

Pretty soon, you’ll wonder how you got anything done without the help of your personal assistant!

Cost of Hiring a VA in the India With Quickskill

Managed virtual assistant services start at around $25 per hour with Quickskill. 
Quickskill is not the right choice for everyone.

It’s not the cheapest option, but you’ll see that the quality of support pays off.

Moreover, the professional VAs working with Quickskill are paid well and treated fairly. They also are given benefits and opportunities for advancement within the company, which is not available to many VAs outside of the company.

If that’s not enough to convince you, consider these added benefits of working with Quickskill:

    • Quickskill takes care of all the recruiting, vetting, hiring, training, and management tasks.
    • You’ll receive the help of a virtual assistant, account manager, and backup assistants when needed.
      • Your VA will undergo background checks and have access to secure facilities, networks, and computers to complete your tasks.
    • You’ll be able to find a VA quickly and complete the onboarding process in a matter of days.
    • You’ll know that your VA is highly trained and will represent you well.
    • Because Quickskill has backups for all accounts, services will never be disrupted. 

Hiring a Indian Virtual Assistant is Easy with Quickskill

Quickskill was ranked the best virtual assistant service in 2023 by Investopedia, The Balance Small Business, Time Doctor, and Boldly.

You’ll love Quickskill’s streamlined sign-up process and virtual assistance solutions.

Begin the process of hiring a VA from India by filling out this contact form today.