- admin
- May 1, 2017
- 10:47 am
How to Celebrate National Administrative Professionals Day
Back in 1952, Administrative Professionals Day was part of the first organized “National Secretaries Week,” which was held from June 1–7. Nowadays, the holiday is observed worldwide in a number of countries during the last week of April, and is one of the most celebrated workplace holidays.
Some folks believe it’s a terribly polarizing day…
“…it’s patronizing and demeaning. What is it about administrative workers that requires setting aside a calendar day to recognize their work?”
Alison Green for U.S. News & World Report Magazine
We disagree with that kind of thinking, preferring a much more positive viewpoint similar to these supportive words…
“…celebrates the unheralded part of the workforce that is responsible for doing the less than stimulating work needed to complete a project. The motivation behind Administrative Assistant’s Day is to recognize and commend the work of office experts that may have the occupation title of secretary or administrative assistant…[it’s] a day to express gratefulness to these experts for the endless hours they put in for you and your business.”
World’s Special Days
At the end (and beginning) of every work day,administrative professionals are helping executives and founders deliver exemplary products and services, grow business, and achieve work life balance.
That’s earth shattering, in our opinion.
Read on to get an inside look at the celebrations we threw our virtual executive assistant employees in both our Guatemala City and Manila Service Centers.
In honor of Administrative Professionals Day last week, our inboxes overflowed with positive reviews, feedback, and heartfelt thank you messages from our members (a.k.a. clients) in gratitude and awe of their Quickskill virtual executive assistants.
“…celebrates the unheralded part of the workforce that is responsible for doing the less than stimulating work needed to complete a project. The motivation behind Administrative Assistant’s Day is to recognize and commend the work of office experts that may have the occupation title of secretary or administrative assistant…[it’s] a day to express gratefulness to these experts for the endless hours they put in for you and your business.”
Longtime Quickskill Member / Executive at a enterprise technology company
In our Guatemala Service Center, we honored our team of virtual executive assistants with plenty of pizza, doughnuts, and drinks.
For the grand finale, we threw a massive party wherein every employee received a succulent plant as a gift and enjoyed additional festivities with more food, drinks, and social time.
“I just found out that yesterday was National Administrative Professionals Day, at least in the US. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for all the help you’ve provided me over the time we’ve been working together. You are prompt, courteous, friendly, and reliable, and have been great about making sure things like Hack Day swag orders, food orders, expense reports and more don’t fall through the cracks. Thanks very much for everything you do to support me!”
Longtime Quickskill Member / Executive at a healthcare company
In our Manila Service Center, we honored each of our Quickskill virtual executive assistants with a happy little box that held a customized mug with their name on it.
We also threw them a party, complete with food, drinks, and plenty of socializing.
We agree that administrative professionals such as our virtual executive assistants deserve respect and appreciation year-round.
At Quickskill, we put a lot of effort into making sure each of our virtual assistants feel esteemed. Among the many ways we show our appreciation throughout the year include promoting internally, re-hiring former employees who are exceptional, and rewarding longterm employees with amazing vacations and extra PTO.
We are adamant about giving every virtual executive assistant who works for us ample opportunities to develop their professional skills and enhance their career through continued learning, mentorship, and growth incentives (to name a few).
Each of our managers, members, and colleagues provides useful feedback on a regular basis, because our virtual executive assistants are huge assets both internally and externally. Their success is our success. We do everything in our power to make sure they know that! They deserve the best.
Want to hire a virtual assistant? Contact us today…
and get ready for business growth.