You are a proactive problem-solver, and you want to find the best solutions to move your business forward.

More and more business leaders like you are turning to virtual assistants (VAs) to give them the administrative support they need at a fraction of the cost of hiring in-house help. In fact, Quickskill’s annual Executive Productivity Report showed a 31% increase in the use of VAs amongst highly successful business people.

There are many reasons that so many business leaders are choosing to outsource.  

Outsourcing reduces operating, labor, and overhead costs, freeing up your internal resources for other purposes. Outsourcing also allows you to focus on your company’s core competencies by reducing the time spent on time-consuming processes.

Clearly, hiring a VA is proof of business savvy, but not all virtual assistant services are created equal.  

There’s a big difference between hiring a freelance virtual assistant and hiring a managed VA who has an entire organization supporting them and their work.

Why Outsource To a Managed Virtual Assistant?

When you hire a managed virtual assistant service like Quickskill, you’re not just hiring a single individual to work for you. A managed virtual assistant has a whole team backing them up, and this helps you and your business on multiple levels.

Outsource Tasks

Virtual assistants can help with a wide range of time-consuming processes, freeing you up to focus on your business deliverables.

Here are some examples of tasks you can outsource to a VA:  

    • Scheduling 
    • Inbox management 
    • Administrative work 
    • Document preparation 
    • Travel planning 
    • Professional networking 
    • Answering the phone 
    • Data entry 
    • Social media and blog posting 
    • Sales follow-up 
    • CRM Cleanup and maintenance 
    • Research 

Read more: Virtual Assistant Tasks and Duties to Outsource 


When considering virtual assistant services, some business leaders worry that the outsourcing company they work with will be profit-driven rather than focused on doing a good job.

You can rest assured that this won’t be a problem at Quickskill.

Managed VAs at Quickskill are more reliable because they’ve been vetted, trained, and are supervised within our virtual assistant company. This means your VA is more likely to be college educated, fluent in English, and adept at using your software and processes.

Our multi-tiered management system also ensures that quality service is always a top priority. With Quickskill managing your virtual assistants, any problems that arise are handled on the back end, so you don’t need to spend any time worrying about your VA’s follow-through.


Quickskill’s virtual assistants are trained and encouraged to keep learning, so they’ll continue to find new ways to serve you better as your relationship progresses.

You can trust that your dedicated virtual assistant’s work will keep improving as they get familiar with your preferences in email management, scheduling, social media management, and more.

B2B Partnership

Outsourcing your administrative work to a virtual assistant management company has added B2B benefits as well.

Because your outsourced VA is another company’s employee, not yours, you are mitigating risks while building meaningful, mutually-beneficial partnerships. You also improve your own company’s flexibility and efficiency by delegating responsibilities for the VA’s company to manage, which gives you and your employees more opportunity to be productive.

Quickskill’s professional sales, ops, and admin support boosts productivity across all departments.

VA’s provide executives with the fundamental support they need to have time to get into a flow state and do the deep work that moves the needle. In supporting sales teams, VAs can take care of all the paperwork so your top producers spend more time on sales. And when it comes to finding new recruits, VAs can help to make recruiting, interviewing, and onboarding are more efficient.

Support (For Both the VA and You!)

Most virtual assistants will come to you with a fixed set of skills, little opportunity for further training, and there’s no-one else to step in when they get sick, go on vacation, or change careers.

Quickskill’s managed virtual assistant service is different because there is a whole team supporting your VA. So if they need to learn a new skill in order to serve you better, there’s always someone available to teach them. And if they aren’t available for any reason, there’s a fully trained back-up ready to step in to provide you with the same quality of service.

Our extensive management system can even help you learn the ins-and-outs of new software, optimize your processes, and help you find the best ways to utilize your VA and maximize your ROI. 

Increase Efficiency and Productivity When You Outsource To a Virtual Assistant

Your to-do list is long, and you’re losing precious time managing administrative operations even though strategic work would be more impactful. Virtual assistants remove the busywork from your schedule so you can focus on the tasks that are in your job description.

Focus On What Matters

According to a survey by Asana, global workers spend more than half their day doing time-consuming busywork, including communicating about work and searching for information.

Virtual assistants are trained to manage these tasks so you can do the skilled work you are meant to do.

Reduce Stress

Having the support of a managed virtual assistant can significantly reduce your stress load.

Take “Sally” for example, a Quickskill member who works as a business operations coach and spends most of her day away from her computer teaching classes, workshops, and working directly with her clients.

When timelines shift and appointments need to be rescheduled, it can take hours of back-and-forth coordination to find a new time that fits for everyone.

Before working with Quickskill, Sally would have to sit at her desk until 9 p.m. to accommodate her clients’ changing needs, but ever since hiring Quickskill, Sally’s been able to clock out at 5, walk her dog, and sleep soundly knowing that everything is already taken care of.

Get in touch for a demo request and experience the relief that a VA provides for yourself.

Managed Virtual Assistants are Better Than the Alternative

The benefits of outsourcing to a managed virtual assistant service over an individual VA or in-house assistant are seemingly endless.

Enterprise-Level Security

Your business matters, and you have to make sure your data is protected.

Quickskill conducts background checks on all employees, each employee must sign a nondisclosure agreement before working with a member, and managers are trained to continuously monitor and coach teammates to ensure proper security procedures are being executed.

Read more about Quickskill’s enterprise-level security measures here.

Quality Assurance

We don’t just keep tabs on security at Quickskill, we also work hard to deliver superior standards of quality for our members.

Specialized virtual assistants are trained in your exact processes and preferences so you know the work is being done the way you want it.


As your business grows, your service hours can too.  

With all of your processes and preferences documented, your business management support team can easily expand to accommodate all of your needs.

Streamlining Processes

Managed virtual assistants aren’t just experts at learning your processes, they have a whole team backing them up to strategize and find ways to make your processes more efficient.

Quickskill’s Engagement Managers consult with members regularly and come up with solutions so you don’t have to.


VAs who work as independent contractors often have multiple clients competing for their time and attention, which means that your urgent needs may not always be addressed in a timely manner.

VAs at Quickskill only serve 1-3 members, and our unit system ensures that they only have as much work as they can handle, so your needs are always top priority.  

Plus, with a designated back-up VA, team captain, team leader, and engagement manager working alongside your designated VA, there is someone available to help any time you need extra support during working hours.

Agency Support Saves You Hiring Costs

Finding a new assistant can take a lot of time and cost money that would be better spent elsewhere.

This isn’t just an inconvenience. The impact of executive assistant turnover is very real. According to Indeed, it costs between $4,000-$20,000 to hire a new employee, and Zippia found that less than half of executive assistants stay on the job beyond a year.

Reduce Turnover 

Hiring costs are eliminated when you work with a managed virtual assistant service. Not only does Quickskill have a 98% retention rate, but if your VA does leave, all of your processes are diligently documented and fully-trained back-up assistants are ready to take over.

You save money with a managed virtual assistant, and you also save yourself from wasted time, stress, and the headache of finding a qualified and trustworthy assistant.

Underscore VC’s Chief Financial and Operating Officer, James Orsillo, noticed a huge rise in productivity thanks to Quickskill’s continuity of service: “We had gone through some of the pain of hiring and training people and they leave, and you start over,” he said. “The executive assistant was a high turnover position in every company I have worked at, and I saw Quickskill’s model as a way to avoid that.”

A Managed Assistant Can Become an Integral Member of Your Team

They may be working remotely, but you’ll quickly find that your business doesn’t run as smoothly without your managed virtual assistant team.

Quickskill virtual assistants have the added advantage of being employed by a company that encourages professional growth and supports training opportunities. The result is that your virtual assistant can easily grow their skills as your business’ needs evolve and expand.

Outsource Tasks To Your Virtual Assistant So You Can Focus on Your Real Work

When you hire Quickskill’s managed virtual assistant service, you can rest assured that all of your administrative tasks are taken care of.

Combine the benefits of enterprise-level security assurance, a trustworthy hiring process (that you have nothing to do with!), training, and the reliability that backup support provides, and it’s easy to see how a managed virtual assistant can transform your business —and your life.

Set up a discovery call today and learn what Quickskill can do for you.