Quickskill’s culture of learning and commitment starts early on in our assistants’ tenures. Here’s how one of our newest hires, Justine Roce, came to that realization during her experience as a Productivity Assistant trainee. Justine joined Quickskill’s Manila Service Center earlier this summer.

1 The Hiring

I first came across Quickskill when I noticed a link on an acquaintance’s Facebook wall. At the time, I was looking for a job that would challenge me and allow me space for personal growth. I browsed through Quickskill’s website to get a general understanding of the company and the work of a Productivity Assistant. I had to dig through the site to learn about everything Quickskill offers. I was impressed at both the professionalism and depth of the company’s work. One application and a few interviews later, I got the magical call to tell me that I’d been hired!

2The Training Process

I’ve heard of virtual assistants before, and my impression of the job was a faceless drone who takes on administrative tasks. I was proved wrong in the very first few days of training. I was encouraged to be proactive in taking on work, and my training manager always made it a point to give me a voice. I was taught that my relationship with my members should be given great importance and that I should do my personal best to take care of them and their company.

And most of my training was a process of self-paced learning. Quickskill keeps its handbook in a cloud-based knowledge center – a Wiki that is accessible to employees in Asia, Central America and the US. The handbook isn’t just an employee manual to be kept on a shelf. Instead, it explained everything I needed to know about how to become an effective PA, the tools I would use, and the processes I needed to master. Every step was well-described, and if I didn’t understand something or if I had any questions, I could always turn to my training managers for clarification.

3The Workplace

Quickskill’s culture of constant learning goes beyond just the nuts and bolts of a handbook. The Quickskill workplace itself is a hive of teaching, which took me by surprise when I first joined. Everyone is very professional and it really shows that they take their jobs seriously. My colleagues are all easily approachable and always do their best to answer my questions. It is a pleasure to shadow them on calls and in meetings, because I get an opportunity to see their different approaches to a range of processes handed to us by Quickskill members.

4The Future

I have really enjoyed my first month here at Quickskill. I felt like I’ve already grown as a person these past few weeks. I learned how to give great service by putting the member first. I learned different processes and tools. But most of all, I learned how to be fulfilled and satisfied with every task accomplished. Another thing I really like about Quickskill is how much everyone values feedback, probably because feedback is the key to learning and growing as a PA.

Becoming a Quickskill PA has already been a very memorable journey. I’m excited for my future in Quickskill, and I hope to continue to grow with this company for many years to come.

Want to hear more about how Quickskill motivates its overseas staff? Don’t miss this piece by Ber Jonfe, a 4-year Quickskill veteran PA in Guatemala City.