As your business grows, so does your task list. But not all tasks are created equal. At a certain point, it’s time to offload the more time-consuming, repetitive tasks so you can focus on the skill-based tasks that move your business forward.

You’re reading this article because you’re ready to hire an assistant, but now the question remains: what kind of assistant do you need? 

Hiring an in-house assistant can be very costly.

Between the time spent vetting potential assistants (~$4000 according to Glassdoor), training (~$1252 according to the Association for Talent Development,) salary (~$70,000 according to, benefits, paid time off, and other overhead costs, hiring a new in-house assistant adds up to approximately $92,750 per year —and that’s if they stay. 

Zippia reports that the average executive assistant stays at their job only 1-2 years, which means you’ll have to continually restart the hiring and training process and lose even more time and money finding a competent replacement.

Smart business leaders like you are catching on to the fact that in-house assistants are no longer necessary in most cases. You can garner all the benefits of having an assistant at a fraction of the cost when you hire a virtual assistant service

Now you’re probably wondering: “Do I need a Virtual Assistant or a Virtual Personal Assistant?”

Good question! These job titles look interchangeable at first glance, so let’s get specific about the similarities and differences.

What’s in this article:  

Similarities between a Virtual Assistant and a Virtual Personal Assistant 

What does a Virtual Assistant do?  

How are Virtual Assistants Different than Virtual Personal Assistants?  

Typical Virtual Assistant responsibilities 

Virtual Personal Assistant responsibilities 

How to hire your own Virtual Personal Assistant  

Similarities Between a Virtual Assistant and a Virtual Personal Assistant

The biggest difference between a virtual assistant (VA) and a virtual personal assistant (VPA) is that a virtual assistant’s work focuses primarily on administrative tasks within a business, whereas a VPA tends to a wider variety of tasks, including their employer’s personal needs.

That said, there are many similarities between the two roles.


If there were only one word to describe what VAs and VPAs do, it would be this. The capacity to organize is the key skill that all assistants have in common.


VAs and VPAs are expected to be competent and reliable. When you hire a managed virtual assistant company like Quickskill, you can rest assured that these expectations will be met.

Computer Skills

Because they work remotely, all VAs and VPAs need to possess computer skills. At Quickskill, we train our assistants to be experts at using a variety of software, so they can easily jump in and utilize your preferred processes.

Related: Essential Virtual Assistant Software Tools 


Your assistant supports multiple facets of your life and business, so it’s vitally important that you find someone you can trust.

Trustworthiness is one of the biggest benefits of hiring a managed virtual assistant service like Quickskill instead of an independent contractor. We do background checks and supervise our employees’ work within an enterprise-level security so you don’t have to worry about any breaches.

Related: What to Know About Virtual Assistant Security 

Communication Skills 

Your assistant’s role is to support you, which means they must be excellent communicators. 

Despite the fact that Quickskill assistants reside in different countries, they are all college-educated, fluent in English, and trained in-house so no important messages are ever lost. 

What Does a Virtual Assistant Do?

The primary role of a VA is to help with a variety of administrative tasks.

Calendar Management 

Let your VA manage your calendar and be prepared to worry less as all the moving puzzle pieces of your work and life seem to fall into place.  

Once your VA is familiar with your preferences, they can schedule meetings with multiple stakeholders and block time off so you can tend to your priorities.  


At Quickskill, you can easily set up secure systems with your VA so they can keep track of all of your expenses for you. 

Email Management 

Say goodbye to inbox overwhelm. Your VA can organize your inbox so you only see priority mail, and don’t get distracted by less-than-urgent messages. Everything else can easily be organized into folders so you know where to find whatever you need, whenever you need it.

Travel Booking

Your VA can find the best flights, hotels, and car rentals for you, so you don’t have to waste hours of your life trying to find good deals. 

Organizational Support 

VA support can transform operations for businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re a small startup and just need one VA, or a bigger team who needs extensive support, Quickskill has the solution that will work for you.  

How Are Virtual Personal Assistants Different Than Virtual Assistants?

Virtual Personal Assistants can do all of these administrative tasks as well, but they take it one step further by helping you balance your personal life as well.  

Personal Errands 

Need a prescription filled? Your VPA can call the pharmacy. Need dry cleaning picked up? Your VPA can arrange it. Need to schedule a parent-teacher conference? No problem, your VPA’s on it. 

With the help of the internet and services like Uber Errand, your VPA can take care of almost any errand you can think of.  

Grocery Shopping 

Let your VPA handle meal-planning and order groceries to be delivered when you get home. 

House and Family Organization 

Need to organize a house cleaner? Looking to hire a new nanny? Your VPA can research options, schedule interviews, and handle payroll.  

Event Planning 

Whether it’s your colleague’s retirement or your youngest child’s birthday, your VPA can help you find the best caterers, entertainment, and decorators to make any party an event to remember.  

Orange Moments 

At Quickskill, we strive to go the extra mile and put a personal touch on everything we do.  

Instead of just booking a weekly team lunch at your favorite restaurant, your VPA may contact the restaurant and see if they have a Frequent Diner’s Club. Instead of just booking appointments on your business trip, your VPA may research gym classes that they know you’d like to attend during your downtime.

We call this level of service an “Orange Moment,” because it stands out as a unique benefit you get from working with us.

Typical Virtual Assistant Responsibilities

Quickskill virtual assistants typically give one member 55 hours of support per month, with slight variations depending on need. In addition to all of the tasks we’ve already mentioned, many of our VAs do the following every day:  

Online Research

Whether you need to find new prospects or the right keywords for SEO, your VA can save you dozens of hours every week by doing research for you.  

Data Entry  

Many of the VAs at Quickskill are already experts at Excel and data entry, and if they’re not, we will train them on your specific processes so all of your data entry needs are met.  

Document Preparation 

It can be tedious and time-consuming to prepare documents. Instead of wasting your energy doing it yourself, have your VA prepare standard documents so you can focus on tasks that require your unique skillset.  

Answer Phones 

Although Quickskill VAs work from other countries, they always work within business hours for your timezone so answering phones is not a problem.  

Virtual Personal Assistant Responsibilities

Virtual Personal Assistants do all of that, and more.  

Online Ordering 

Once your VPA is familiar with your preferences, you can rely on them to do all of your online ordering for you. 

Restaurant Reservations

Want to try a new restaurant? Your VPA can research the top chefs in your area and send you recommendations. Once you’ve decided where to go, your VPA can make a reservation for you and even make special requests on your behalf (see “Orange Moments” above).  


Want to send your spouse a gift? At Quickskill, all of your preferences are documented, so all you have to do is tell your VPA the budget and they’ll help you find the perfect gift to send.

How to Hire Your Own Virtual Personal Assistant

A Virtual Personal Assistant can make your life a lot less stressful. Gone will be sleepless nights and days where your mind feels so cluttered.

When you hire a Quickskill VPA, they will help you organize your life so you’re able to prioritize what’s most important to you and rest assured that everything else is being taken care of.

Send us a demo request to find out how a personal virtual assistant can transform your work and life.

Learn more: How to Find a Personal Assistant